Bull Print
Original Artwork By Rachel Farabaugh
It is time to charge ahead and take action. Your ideas and dreams require movement to come to life.
When you are ready to take action and charge ahead with your dreams, call on Bull. Do you have aspirations in life that you are not acting on? Now is the time to call forward all of your desires and give them the attention they deserve. Do not let them slip by. Manifest all that you wish for by believing strongly in your visions. With the presence of both masculine and feminine characteristics, Bull is a symbol of fertility enabling you to sow your own seeds. Bulls are notoriously stubborn, and you can use this to your advantage by shifting stubbornness into determination. Remove any feelings of being stuck and allow yourself the chance to start over again if a change of direction is needed. Do not give up on your dreams, and call on Bull when you need the strength to move forward without hesitation.