Crystals for Success & Abundance
Crystals for Success & Abundance are hand selected to focus energetically on wealth, abundance, and success. Each stone in the collection is a beautiful 1" tumble that will look similar to the image that is listed, but not exact due to natural variances. Each set comes with the description card shown.
Crystals in this set include:
AVENTURINE / Good Luck & New Opportunities
BRONZITE / Taking Risks to Gain Rewards
BUMBLEBEE JASPER / Enjoying Rewards of Success
CHEETAH AGATE / Quickness & Getting Things Done
CITRINE / Happiness, Success & Abundance
EMERALD / Raising Standards to Attract Wealth
LEOPARDSKIN JASPER / Making a Difference
PYRITE / Wealth, Money & Prosperity
TIGERS EYE / Determination & Confidence