The Opposite Adventures of Loki & Poki
Set in a snowy and enchanted world, powerful rhymes lead the way through a mystical journey filled with fire breathing ants and magical creatures. The Opposite Adventures of Loki and Poki was created by Rachel Farabaugh straight from her dreams. Loki and Poki are two little creatures who can't get along. Tired of fighting, they set out to discover who's right and who's wrong. They seek the answer from a wise old yeti and travel a great distance on an epic journey. Taking two different paths, they end up at the same place. They learn that neither is right and neither is wrong, and what's most important is getting along. It is the perfect bedtime story for children that parents too will enjoy reading over and over again. This book is recommended for children of all ages, but especially for the 0-7 age range.